Friday, August 31, 2012

New Year, New Friends

Today was our first day with all our new friends at school.
This week, we had four days of staggared start, only having a few friends each day, until today.
On Monday, we met Josiah, Jarod, and Christian.
On Tuesday, we met Barbara, Jazmin, and Laisha.
On Wednesday, we met Alex, Eduardo, and Erik.
On Thursday, we met Leah and Jayden.
Each day, we learned about our school day, learned about how our classroom worked, and spent a lot of time getting to know each other.

Today, we all were here. All eleven friends and two teachers.
We all worked in centers.

We all learned about group time.

We all learned about our friends Suzy Circle, Rosie Red, and Barbara Blue. We all met "Baby" Gregory (He isn't really a baby any more). We said "Hello" to all of them. We learned that we are all in Pre-K, but one day we are going to go to college. We learned about the calendar. We figured out what the weather was. We learned new songs and dances. We tossed the ball and tried to remember our friends' names.

We learned about fire drills, and practiced a fire drill.
We went outside. We learned about our playground rules.
We read about little Llama. He went to school, too. He missed his Mama.
We had lunch.
We washed our hands, a lot.
We took a rest.
We had a great day!

Here are some pictures from our first full day together.

Written by Friends and Mrs. V.

1 comment:

  1. WELCOME, new friends, to Mrs. V's and Mrs. Taylor's wonderful world of Pre-K! Sp happy for you!
    Enjoy everyday!
