Thursday, September 8, 2011

Interview with a Birthday Kid -- Mrs. V.

What is your name? Mrs. Voigt

How old are you? 32

What is your favorite color? Purple

What is your favorite song? If I had a little red box.

What is your favorite letter? V

What is your favorite number? 17

What is your favorite shape? Rhombus

What is your favorite book? Goodnight Moon

What is your favorite center? Manipulatives

What is your favorite food? Apples and popcorn

What do you like to do? Play with my friends at school. Play with my baby Gregory. Color.

How was your birthday special?

Our classroom was decorated with purple streamers and we got to wear party hats.

I got to have Krispy Kreme Doughnuts with my school friends on purple plates.

I got to sing and dance. We did Tony Chestnut. I like that dance.

Emmanuel wrote my birthday number.

My friends sang to me.

Yareni, Alexis and Aldair made me a feast.

Ronald didn't cry!!!

Mrs. Phillips let me use her birthday pencil.

It was a fun day!

I'm going camping tonight with Mr. Kyle and Baby Gregory.

Written by Mrs. Voigt.

This year, each child will have their own interview on their birthday. Be looking out for them! :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Now that's a REAL birthday celebration!! You have wonderful friends who love you!
    Happy birthday!!
    Enjoy your weekend! Be safe, be happy!
