Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Interview with a Birthday Kid -- Emmanuel

What is your name? Emmanuel

How old are you? 5

What is your favorite color? Green

What is your favorite song? Happy Birthday

What is your favorite letter? E

What is your favorite number? 5

What is your favorite shape? Square

What is your favorite book? Mario

What is your favorite center? Computer

What is your favorite food? Chicken Nuggets

What do you like to do? I like to do, umm, play. That's enough.

How was your birthday special? It was a long day. My mom gave me my present. I got a Spongebob DVD. I got a Mario game. I got to make noise. I went to school. I saw Firetrucks. Three of them. That's enough.

Written by Emmanuel.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Emmanuel! Enjoy your special day!
